12:20 approx.
Matty Hit the Finish Line at Land's End!!!! YEEEEEE HAAAAAAA
more later...we are in Bristol on the way home.....................

We finally got back around 10:30 ish in the evening....travel weary...........and very quiet....
It's a strange feeling when something that you've planned for for months, and Matt's trained for and gone through the pain of achieving, suddenly comes to an end. Relief, certainly, HE'S DONE IT!! But tinged, for me anyway, with a little sadness.....it's all over, no more routine, no more getting MM breakfast in bed, easing his aching muscles (for that he will be eternally grateful I'm sure!)...hopping from one layby to the next...........hey but WHAT an acheivement.
Corinne and Jan and David (Matt's brothers' father-in-law, were there to see him get his final 'stamp' on his transit verification form......to prove he'd done it. A proud moment.
We've met many people along the way, from the cyclists, also doing the same journey (for all different reasons) to the people in lay-bys offering money .....to the people who have very kindly opened their homes to us......if I've forgotton to mention anyone's name, please forgive me. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to each and every one of you. For you too, have helped Matty on his way. The baths and warm beds kept him going. We can't thank you enough. And also thank you to EVERYONE who has donated, or will donate, to the 'cause'. A truly great achievement for Matt, but let's not forget why he went through this pain (and pain it certainly was). Let's help him once more; to raise lots of money for the three charities that helped Chris Taaffe and saved his life.
Our blog is at an end.....................but should Matt
ever want to do anything like this again, wherever it may be.................
count me in!
The last stamp!
Is he going to smile?
YES, he is!
Racing for the line...........
The last night's camp