The Final Total!

Total Raised
A HUGE thank you to all who have contributed and helped along the way. Outstanding work!

The Story Behind The Run

The Story Behind The Run
Matt and Chris
The Story Behind The Run
On the 1st October 2009 Chris Taaffe's (28) life was literally turned upside down!

Chris was involved in a serious motorbike accident which left him in a coma for many weeks. He is a very good friend of mine and I, and his many friends, found this very hard to cope with especially as five or six weeks earlier he and I were canoeing in the Lake District blissfully unaware of what the future had in store.

Thanks to the rapid response of the East Anglian Air Ambulance he was given the best possible chance of surviving his horrific crash. The first 24 hours were crucial and everyone waited with baited breath to hear any news. It is impossible to imagine what his family went through that night. Chris was flown to Addenbrookes Critical Care Unit in Cambridge where he was given round-the-clock care and treatment by the best possible team of experts. He was there for a few months and then moved to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital and then to the Colman centre for Specialist Neurological Rehabilitation. He is still there now and progressing well thanks to the amazing rehabilitation scheme and care that is in place for him.
I am writing this to ask for your help. I need to raise local support and awareness for my run in August/September from John o' Groats to Lands End to raise money for the three main organisations that helped get Chris through his ordeal. Without the expertly trained staff and medical teams involved in the organisation many people, including Chris, would die or have little chance of recovery. It's time to give something back.

I am an experienced runner having completed two London Marathons, I've also run Hadrian's wall (Newcastle to Carlisle) and now I plan to run the length of Britain to raise a significant amount of money to keep the Air Ambulance, Addenbrookes and the Colman Centre open for those suffering now and for those who may suffer in the future.

The run will be long, tough and emotions will run high but with your help and the help and determination of the six volunteers who are providing back up and planning, the goal will be achieved and we will raise many thousands of pounds to save lives...........................maybe even yours.

If you can help to promote or sponsor this worthy cause or provide funding towards the cost of the venture, I and my team will be very grateful indeed.

To donate please use the buttons on this page or send a cheque using the information provided.

Many many thanks


Job Done....

Monday 13th September at 12:19

Matt crossed the finish line at Land's End!

After 28.5 days and no days off!
He had a small deputation to greet him and was interviewed on radio Norfolk just before 1PM.

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Tuesday 31st August

Hi peeps, sorry yesterday's blog was missing, we had no signal in the camp at all, so here I am in a lay-by, once again, trying to catch up.

It was FREEZING last night, the condensation in the tent was so bad we got dripped on....hey ho, the joys of camping.  Matt is doing well, with any luck he should reach around about the half way mark today.  His speed has increased a little but now we are back in the hills he knee might not like it much.  We'll see.  Otherwise all is fine.

Nick and Kelly joined us yesterday with the grandchildren, so I will have some company for a while, but they will be out enjoying while I'm out stalking Matt!

MM is getting VERY bored.....same thing day in day if he can get a signal, why don't you try an give him a ring during the day so he has a bit of a distraction?  If you can't get through then leave him a message and when he stops he'll get back to you.

Not much else to report at the moment and I have to get on the ove again. I'll try my best to write some more later ......

6:25pm...Matt has decided to keep running....he wants to reach the city border of Lancaster, and he's less than a mile away from me so he WILL make it!!  What a BOY, what an almighty effort!   He's now HALF WAY!!!!!

I'm trying to persuade him to have a day off tomorrow or at least a 15 miler with no rushing about....I'll let you know how I get on. Not sure how long I'll have on this free wifi as Matt  will be bouncing round the corner pretty soon..

He's had a really good day, after yesterday's battle with the boredom and the brainbox, he's definitely got himself back into gear and is heading for home.......via Land's End of course!  WELL DONE R KID!!

We still have no mobile signal of any description on the campsite we are staying in at the moment.  Thursday will be the big day for photos, unless I strike lucky on the road out Caroline, We Are on OUR WAY!!

Sunday, 29 August 2010

Sunday 29th August - To the Border!

Sunday Morning:
Today is another GREAT milestone for we reach the Border and will back in England....HOOORAYYYY!!

We had a very good night in the B&B/Hotel, excellent food and accommodation and best of all...FREE WiFi.  Matty started later today as breakfast wasn't until 8 and he has to wait an hour for it to digest before he can start running.  But, on his way he is, to the border and Gretna Green.......there was some talk about marriage, but I reminded him that I was already married and it was against my he's going to get some waif or stray as he passes.....NO NOT REALLY......just jesting on our part.  However, psychologically today will be good for MM, the race for home is on and by Tuesday, if all goes well, we will be at the HALF WAY mark. WELL DONE R KID!

For those of you our there that are worried about MM's health and the way he looks in the pictures.....please do remember that most of them are taken after he's run 30 odd miles and he is extremely tired! (and in quite some physical pain). He's not going to look his best and quite frankly I HATE the beard!  Doesn't do a thing for my humble opinion of course!  Honestly, he is in fine fettle and fighting fit, as far as I can tell he has not lost any weight (he had none to lose let's be honest!), he has toned very nicely, but his face isn't drawn......never believe a photograph....the shadows under his eyes.....are just tiredness and are gone by morning, believe me.... so, don't worry, I'm looking after him and he definitely is looking after himself as far as diet and calories go, he knows his body and what he's doing. Just cheer him on as best you can with phone calls, txts, facebook and comments on these pages, it will do him good believe me......and most of all spread the word and get your friends, family, cousins, the person next door, the man in the donate for these worthy causes and make Matty's Run worthwhile.

More later.................

HE'S THERE! At approximately 13:35 Matt got married to the sign.......

 And at approx. 13:50 MM stepped back into England...........All those at Sunday club in the Gardie have a drink on us!!  CHEERS!!


Saturday, 28 August 2010

Saturday 28th August......Lockerbie in sight

Today is the day I want to pick Matt up and run with him on my shoulders........

Another early start today, away from the camp at 7.15 ish.....definitely not enough sleep!  Very cold last night although Matt says he wasn't too bad. I had to cover my head up with my sleeping bad to stop my nose and cheeks from freezing!  Brrrr, the evenings and the the mornings are certainly getting cooler.

MM is very tired today, but is still running and looking forward to his cold bath tonight!  (I think by the end of this trip both of us will be insane, out with the white jackets with the funny sleeves).  Sometimes we are so tired we can't speak properly, let alone think......even a simple question either results in the wrong answer or the brain in total shut down.....we just end up shaking our heads and laughing at each other.......never mind, nothing a good sleep won't cure.

MM,s knee is playing up again today, just as we thought everything was settling down nicely.  It's been the cause of most of his problems so far and it doesn't seem to want to play ball.  All we can do is strap it up and give it some TLC when he's stopped running, i.e. hot and cold treatment and a massage with pain killing cream.  Spirit wise, he's having a tough day; this morning was fine, but the pain gets to him  after a while and Matt doesn't like running slow. All we can do is take one day at a time and overcome any challenge that is sent our way, whether injury or accommodation, just to plain old tiredness.

MY GOODNESS!!!!  What a dreary entry this is!!

I stopped in a bus stop a while ago in the middle of nowhere, there just happened to be one house there, after a while a man knocked on my window and offered a fiver for the how cool is that!  He'd come out of his house and said, 'you never know when you are going to need those services, please take this for the pot'......and duly placed it in our collection box.  He used to play ruby apparently and also has a dodgy knee himself so he knows how MM is feeling, does a lot of walking too and is planning to walk across the

The weather is a bit 'on and off' today, first rain, then sun, and a bit of wind to top it, it's not the beans MM had for breakfast yesterday! So, have been doing a lot of short hops today, leapfrogging MM so he can change his clothes or get some more water, or check his ankles and feet and have some cream rubbed in.  So, sitting here in a lay-by waiting for him to jog round the corner again.  Sometimes he doesn't stop, just runs on, so I drive on a few miles and wait for him again.....and so the day goes on until the 30 miles are up.  Today we haven't got to make camp as we are staying in a hotel in Lockerbie.  That will be good for MM as he can have a proper bath and rest.

That's about it for now...I should be able to get some pictures on tonight with any luck, so pop back and check.  Thanks to all who have donated so far, please keep it coming.

...MM just dropped by and I asked him what he wanted to say to all you bloggers.......he says " It F*****ng hurts!"....end of quotes, then he was gone again........

Signing off at 14:50...and hoping it doesn't rain any more...

MM's country residence

Camp at Aviemore...ground like concrete!

Hi Jan, thanks for dropping in.....

I'll catch the bugger if it kills me!!  ?ang on Matty, wait for me!!!!!!

MM in the wilds of the Scottish Matty Run!



soggy camp :-(

MM's Lucky Mascot....she has a kilt! och....

you pronounce it as you will, Matt and I have our own way of saying it, you'll have to ask when we get back!

Come back Matty!  I promise I'll put my thumbs away!!

a little goldfinch having his lunch

And, finally, from the man himself...the wildman of Borneo.......

Hello everyone its me taking a break from putting one foot in front of another for a sec. Well nearly done two weeks running and nearly got through one country and nearly halfway through!! All good news but its horrible, running everyday for about 10hours as injuries are slowing me down....but hey ho was never going to be easy so its head down and keep plodding on and turning those miles over......don't think I will every run again! Long way to go so support is a seems like a life time....highs and lows everyday but all for a good cause so watch this space to see if I can do it xxx

JB here again,  bye for now as we are knackered and need to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppppppppppppppzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Friday, 27 August 2010

Friday 27th August - Shhhhh

Don't say it too loudly.............."THE SUN IS SHINING"....SSHhhhhhhhhh!  A very late night last night, by the time we'd driven 50 odd miles to the campsite, set up, showered eaten, washed up, done the washing and the drying....massaged limbs, caught up on phone calls.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......

Early start too, as we had to travel 50 miles back to the drop off point for 8am! So, up, wash, tea and breakfast in bed for Matty (so, so spoiled!), then hit the road.  We are having to play 'catch up' a bit, as we are a bit behind on the miles side of things due to Matt's injuries. However, by the time we reach Preston and stay at Caroline's we should be back on track and only a couple of days behind.  so, what's a few extra miles by car?  I hope you are all keeping tabs on the movements so you can make a good guess at the total car mileage competition in the Garden House?  Are our postcards getting through?

Matt's going great guns today, in fact he's just passed me again.  I expect by the time I've finished this he'll be another 5 miles ahead of me...that man can MOVE when he puts his mind to it.   I'm afraid he just doesn't get the time to blog at the moment, perhaps Saturday he'll have a look and write something for you all if I pester him!  I'll also be able to upload some pictures I hope as we are staying in a hotel again so Matty can have a good soak and cold baths again...Brrrrr.  Speaking of cold...really getting cold up here at night now.....loads of condensation inside the tent......drip, drip.

MM (Matty Moon) blisters have almost healed, his heel doesn't hurt once he gets going, his shins don't bother him any more, but he is still having trouble with his left knee....duly strapped and taken care of.........his calves are definitely stronger......all-in all.....considering the task, he's doing jolly well!

Please keep those donations coming's what this is all about.....The Air Ambulance, which saved Taff's life, the Critical Care Unit that brought him through those first vital weeks, and the Specialist Rehabilitation Hospital where Chris is now making progress.......................we never know when we might need them.

Talk again soon...............the intrepid two.........

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Thursday 26th August - Round and round we go!

Oh boy, what a day!  We left our campsite at Craigendmuir at about 7 this morning.  Jan was off back to Norfolk, thanks Jan for all your help, (and the wine) I don't know what I would have done without you....a couple of real tough days!

Matt and I made our way to the drop off point, duly found, and all was well.  However, Glasgow is a nightmare at the moment, there are more roadworks than you can shake a stick at.  And getting onto roads that don't exist any more because they dug them up is no easy feat.  The long and the short of it all is that Matt and myself ended up going round, and round, and round, and round bloody roadworks for about 2 hours and not getting any further south!  Signs? WHAT signs?  I thought Norfolk was bad for road signs, but on the whole Glasgow takes the winning ticket....hardly any at all!  Thank goodness for mobile phones else today would have been the day I lost Matty Moon.....left alone, for ever to wander the streets of Glasgow in ever decreasing circles.

On a lighter note, once we found each other and had a good moan, Matt had some lunch and pushed on....easy when you know where you are going.  He's making very good progress and aches and pains, although still there, don't seem to have held him back today.  The only thing is time as we've lost a couple of hours so he'll have stop so we can drive to camp and pitch up for the night.

Not a lot else to report really today.....except we are both very tired...zzzzzzzzzzzz.......IF I can get a WiFi connection tonight, I'll upload some pics, we have some crackers, so keep dropping by..........................

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Wednesday 25th August- Dry at Last!

At last, a dry night and a drier morning. Tents dry, de-mudded and packed away.  Matt had a restful night in the B&B.  Thank you to K Johnson at Glenae, Ewenfield, Crief for looking after Matty so well and giving us a discount. I would highly recommend staying there if you are ever in the are, the house is ~GEORGOUS!  And up for sale if anyone is interested!!

Matty paraded for inspection this morning after his cooked breakfast and yet another cold/hot bath treatment. His blisters are remarkably good and healing well. His swollen ankle is not so swollen  and his shins hardly bother him at all.  However, his muscles are still quite stiff, but as he was almost fell running yesterday and not on a flat surface, only to be expected really.  He is still having problems with his left knee, which has been the cause of all his other injuries, but on the whole he has improved and is looking good.  If sheer grit and determination had anything to do with it, Matty would be at Land's End today!

He's having a 'rest' day today and only doing 15 miles or so...then another 30 tomorrow.  We are playing it by ear and taking one day at a time.  In total we are only a day behind schedule so that's very good.

Jan and I had a 'busy' evening as the campsite we had booked did not mention that they didn't allow cars to be parked next to tents, and the car park was about 250 yards away!  I tried to tell him we were not 'on holiday'  and that ALL our equipment was in the Landrover and it was impossible to transport everything by hand, and also, what we were doing and why, but he would have none of it...the final straw was when he said he would get a 'man' to help carry the stuff, I told him to stick it and we'd go elsewhere!  (I was tired......) We happened to find a lovely sight about a mile or two down the road called West Lodge.  I would highly recommend this site.  The owners couldn't have been more helpful and even offered to dry one our tents under their canopy for us. (they were still soaking and dripping from the previous morning).  Everything there you could need, nice showers, laundry facilities, all kept clean and in order.  I'd definitely go back again.

I'm still waiting for a WiFi connection to upload more photos, so please be patient, they are in the pipeline.  My mobile phone is perfect for keeping you up to date but doesn't have the speed for picture takes AGES!

Well peeps, Matt should arrive soon at his ten mile mark, so I will sign off and get his lunch and drinks ready...seen you all soon......

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Tuesday 24th August-Rain rain go away....

A really wet, wet night!  Horrid, horrid, horrid!  The man next to us went back home to Portsmouth at 10.30 in the evening because his tent was awash and everything got wet.  We managed to get through, although even ours was starting to leak by the morning. 

Last night's tea was fish and chips as it was too wet to cook, and this morning's breakfast was good old porridge.......with extra water.....from the rain.......

As usual Matty set off at around 8.30am, after repacking blisters and stretching out his aching legs.  It's been a long hard day for him today, he has developed a new blister on his big toe (same foot as the others) which is giving him a lot of pain, but we have re-dressed it and he is on his way again.  Roll on the finish of today's run when he can climb into the bath at his B&B and have a good rest.  The good news is his shins have stopped hurting.....must be those magic thumbs!

At least the rain has held off for a while, let's hope he gets to the finish in the dry today, and we can put the tents up to dry out too.

I'll post some pictures later if I have a connection, we must go and find Matt again now and see how's he's getting on......I must have half of Boots the Chemist in my Landrover!!

Monday, 23 August 2010

Some more Pics

some of the longer hurting as others things hurt more !

Quite a long way up!

stretching out those muscles.....

not as flat as Norfolk!

Our present camp at River Tilt, Blair Athol

Matt is not long from me now.  Proudly being escorted back to base by Jan....both absolutely soaked!  Me sitting here in the dry uploading's a grand life!  Catch you all laterbwith yet more pics......thank goodness for BTFON.

Monday 23rd August- 3.18. Aberfeldy or Bust

Once again Matty has amazed me.  It doesn't matter how knackered or in pain he is when he comes back in the evening, he showers, has food and a massage and by the morning he is up and ready to run again.  The man has my admiration as I don't think I could do it.

Let me explain at little of what Matt is going through each day......30 miles of road and traffic....although he's now off the main roads for a while......pushing himself through the pain barrier, through wind and rain....occasionally sunshine!  His shin splints are not quite as painful as they were (good news) but he has a very swollen ankle as the tendons connecting his foot are inflamed with over use and the fact that his left knee pain is causing him to run with an awkward gate and not the way he should (bad news). Still...........he goes on.  NOT to prove a point, as he is in no way  out to permanently damage his young body; but for Chris and the 'cause'.  He needs your support...all the time.....but we need to make his effort worthwhile, so please donate what you can and show him the totals on the blog donate buttons are going up......this will make a huge difference to him at this time.

We have met many generous people on our journey who have given freely of their money and time to find out what Matt is doing.  But not just money, offers of free swims and beds and cottages to stay in and people willing to pay for hotel rooms so he can soak his aching limbs in the bath.  For all of this, Matty is extremely grateful,although at the back of his mind is 'the cause' and feeling that the money should not go to him, but to the charities he is running for.  An added dilemma for him to brood over while he is running.  For, if he can't keep his head.......'the cause' will fail.

So, the going is tough, not a run in the park, but a HUGE undertaking, which Matty has willingly taken on, not for self gain, but to raise money for charities that, one day, WE or somebody we know may need...............Run, run.............

Off my soap box....................Matty started running at 8 this morning, in good spirits and looking forward to getting onto some quieter roads.  They were quieter all right...single track across the wild Scottish moors.  Utterly stunning scenery, but a bugger on the knee.  Up and down, round and round....more like Fell running than marathon running.  Then, it started to rain with just ten miles to the finish.  A quick change of clothes from the roaming support car, a bite to eat and within ten minutes, back on the road again....I'm waiting at Aberfeldy now to pick him up and take him back to the campsite where he still has another free swim and sauna booked.   Today he will have reached the 210 mile a week....

Sunday, 22 August 2010

Sunday 22nd August- Goodbye Aviemore

Morning All, Sorry, no pictures until we get a proper WiFi connection.  I'm using my phone as a modem at the moment, so very s-l-o-w.  Well, today Matt is attempting a big 30 miles again today, his shins are shot and very painful, but he's doing his best.  We are awaiting information from a physiotherapist about the best way to proceed and treat them.  In the mean time Matt battles bravely on.  He is very anxious to get running at full speed and is frustrated that his body is slowing him down.  Chin up Matt...we are all with you in spirit.

We had a good night last night.  Matt finished well early at 2 in the afternoon so it left time for a bit of shopping and postcard writing.  I hope our cards are getting through to the Garden House? We also managed to get our washing done and dried and still had time for a fish and chip lunch in town and a pizza and a quick pint in the bar on site in the evening!  I'm afraid Matt still didn't manage to avoid the women with the evil thumbs, but is not screaming so much now......are the muscles improving or my technique I wonder?

The scenery here is beautiful, I'd love to come skiing here, beats queuing up at the airport and checking in your skis. MMMmmm might just do that...pray for snow in the Highlands....but not at the moment please!

Today is the day that Jan joins us for a few, it will be so different to have somebody to chat to face to face (apart from Matt of course), safe journey Jan and catch you this evening.  The camp site last night was a bit like Fort had to have a swipe card for entry into the shower block, then you had to swipe it again to get into the toilets, a card for the washing machines, a card for the driers, and a push button system to get out again!  Blimey mate, I only want to camp for the night not steal the soap!

Not a lot more to say at the moment, Matt has just checked in at the layby and taken some more water and off he's gone again.  Says he's the zone, so he doesn't say much. The clouds over the mountains are breaking up and the sun has started to shine............

Will talk more later if all goes well.....we might even get a swim in tonight as the the new site has a pool...Matt is thinking about dipping in one of the Lochs to get some ice treatment on his legs......

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Saturday 21st August

Hi, sorry to miss you yesterday, busy and no real time to catch up.  However, here we are.  Last night we stayed at Auchnahillin Campsite.  Pretty small, pretty muddy but very nice, in the middle of nowhere.  We met a nice family, also runners, that took the time to come over and have a chat to see what we were up to. They also made a very generous donation and an offer of their holiday cottage to stay over should we need it, so a BIG thank you to you.

I also need to say a big thank you to the remote team back at basecamp...Fran and Jan, who have helped me to rearrange things and update the plaves we are staying.

Matt is good today, his knee is feeling good, but we are not pushing it so only 15 miles again today.  Tonight we will be staying at the High Range site in Aviemore.  We are looking forward to having Jan come and stay with us for a few days starting journey Jan.

This morning we discovered that we'd driven 8 miles back to the startpoint with Matt's trainers tied to the front of the Landrover!  They got wet yesterday and were hung out to dry....they got a bit of an extra super air dry this morning!  At least they were still there and not lost

Matt wants me to tell you all that he is not shaving until he reaches Land's End.....OMG, shall we have a competition to see who can guess the length of his beard?  LOL.

I'll upload some photos later, but for now I must get on to the next camp and set up the tent, go shopping, and stuff.....from JB, the expedition chief, cook, bottle washer, psychologist, doctor, driver, minder,chef, tent erector, camp organiser, laundry person, and general go-fa.  Keeping watching this spot.....

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Day Four- end of

Sorry again.  The demands on Matty's time for looking after his body don't allow much time for him to blog, so you'll have to put up with me for a bit.

It's been a very tough day today.  Matt's left knee is giving him lots of problems and the blisters aren't helping much either.   It's now 10:20pm and we've only just finished eating.  We managed to get him a bath this evening so he's been giving his legs the ice and hot treatment, which after his massage feels like it did a lot of good.  Not nearly as many knotted muscles to work out and less painful for Matt too.
You think I'm joking about the cold baths, here's Matt sitting in cold water with his beanie on and his hands round a hot cuppa!  And you thought he was having fun...NOT!!

Look at those eyes...scared stiff of the dreaded thumbs to follow....

All joking aside, the traffic today was horrendous, all going far too fast, yes I know, we all do it, BUT you don't try and run a man off the road...which is what Matt came pretty close to today....I was scared and I was in a layby! Daring not to open the door for fear of it being ripped off in the bow wave as the traffic went past.  Tut Tut motorists, give a man a chance!

Saw some more seals today too.....aahhhh..

Matt on the road today...head down and well focused, run Forest!

A couple of pretty pictures to end with of the many bridges in this part of the country, this one is two miles long!

Invernesshire! Stunning or what?

And just to prove we really are here........going South....a long way South!

Go Matty GO!

Good night for now, me signing off at 10 minutes to 11, I'm shattered so I can't imagine what Matt feels like, but I do know he's still got a positive head on him and is praying that his body won't fail him.....keep up with the phone calls guys and thanks to those who have planned to join us for a day or two...please ring just to make sure where we's a BIG country...night night zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Day 4 the first Milestone - Inverness

Hi all, just a quick message this morning....Matt is approaching his first milestone today, Inverness.  He's been suffering a bit with a couple of blisters to his foot and his knee is playing up, so, have changed this evening's campsite for a bed in a premier inn so he can have a proper bed and a bath.

All is going well though and Matt is very positive and still raring to go although he's been in a lot of pain with knotted muscles.  He's permanently afraid of my deadly thumbs and puts his pillow over his head to hide the screams when I massage them!

Thanks for all the comments once again, they are keeping us going for sure....Scotland can be a very lonely place...

Will try and post something this evening, must get back on the road to meet Matt and give him the good news that he has a bed for the night....

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Day 3

Well, I hope you all appreciate the trouble I've gone to get on the blog I am sitting in a lounge with a 1.30 karaoke session!  HELP!!  Anyway, Matt is still doing well.  The weather yesterday was atrocious but he kept on going through wind and rain and many changes of clothes.  He spent nearly 10 hours on the road yesterday so by the time he got back showered and ate it was late, then his legs stiffened up , but after a massage from the crazy women with the deadly thumbs (ME), he was able to move again, so we did the same this morning too.  He set off later this morning and is going to take it a bit easy.  He did extra miles yesterday, combined with a shorter run  today, he's got less of a heavy day.  Thank you all for your comments and phone calls.  Keep them coming in, we both need them!

We've been lucky with the midges, hardly any.....and no bite, but the sea gulls here in Dornoch are something else...they tried to get in the tent last night!

The scenery is fantastic, even saw some seals/sea lions this morning , not sure which, I'll try and post a photo and you can choose.

Right, I'm going to try and upload some pictures...fingers crossed.........
This is Matt, with Louise and Robert who kindly ran with him on the first leg of his epic journey.  Thanks again to you both.
Matt in the 'zone'.

 A cheeky hen polishing off the rest of the pepper sauce left over from our steak.
First night's camp......

You choose, seals or sea lions?

The shores of Loch Brora where we stayed last night and tonight.

And one last one for now....Matt coming up to the 20 mile mark on his second day.
Remember me saying about the karaoke?  I forgot to mention it was for 10 to 15 year olds.....I'm the only one here apart from three members of staff.....they've just given up and legged it!

Well I must say this is a treat, a)being able to get connected and b) being able to upload some photos.  Bear with us, connections and battery life do  not always coincide. I will always do my best to keep you updated. Thanks again for all your support, keep it coming.................

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Day Two

At Last!  It's only taken me an hour to get things talking to each other!  Technology....great when it works.  Well I'm sitting in a lay by on the A9 near Helmsdale waiting for Matty in the pouring rain.  It is tipping it down.  Which is not good for Matt as visibility is low and the traffic here holds no punches.  It will also slow him down.  He's already changed clothes once.  Poor Matt...this will be a day for me to keep his morale up!

Porridge for breakfast again this morning...Matt has maple syrup on his...full of calories...I stick to sugar and a strong cup of coffee.  This morning it was sling it day.  Sling it all in the back of the landrover and sort it out later!  Everything was wet from the constant rain last night. I drove 8 miles back to Lybster to drop Matt off where I'd picked him up then went back to camp to pack up.

I've just had to close the window in the landy as the rain is blowing in!

Matt should be checking in again soon, so I will update this later and try and put some pics on for you all.  I've just spent twelve minutes waiting for a picture to upload so I'll wait for free WiFi tonight at the campsite.

Love to all from Matt and me.

Monday, 16 August 2010

The end of day one

Well......he's done it!  The first day in the bag.  The two runners, Robert and Louise (managed to meet up with  her again and get her name!), got Matty off to a good start.

We saw several cyclists start at the same time but Matt was the only runner.  The lady in the shop where he got his record stamped said he was either very brave.....or very stupid!Oh well, only time will tell on that one.  We've had a very positive day.  Matt's now in his sleeping bag after a nice shower and a dinner of peppered steak, fresh veg and mash potatoes all cooked on one burner and washed down with a very small glass of wine....well I couldn't waste it on Matt could I, he's  not allowed to drink!  We even had a table and chairs.

I'll try and get some pictures on here tomorrow, the connection at the moment is very slow and it's taking ages.  I don't think there's enough battery left.

We've had a very successful first day..........keep watching this space...............

Day One

Hey!  Matty is on his way...ten miles covered so far.  The weather is fine and all is looking good.  Matt set off around 9.30 this morning with a couple of fellow runners, Robert and....sorry but can't remember her name!  Oh dear, not a good start.  But thanks to you both for giving Matty a good start.

Having trouble uploading pictures at the minute but will sort it later.  I must get back on the road to  meet Matty.

Friday, 13 August 2010

Ready to Go?

Mmmm, ready or not, we will be on our way tomorrow morning. The landrover is packed, I'm packed, just a few more bits to throw in before we leave.  What an adventure!

Looking forward to seeing some of you tonight for a glass or two..................

Stay tuned, and hope the technology doesn't fail us!

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Three days till the Off!

Well,  knees have started to tremble a bit.....and that's just mine!  I can't wait to get on the road and I know Matt feels the same way.  If you can help make the weather fine for us that would be great...not looking too good along the West Coast at the moment, nor up in the Highlands.  Still, not to worry.  Matt and I went to see Taff last night.  He is doing really well and the nurses there have been asking him what he wants to write on Matt's blog and typing it in for him...which is great!  They will all be following our journey from one end of the country to the other.  We have had some fine offers from a couple of running clubs to run with Matt for a while, which will be a new experience for him as he's used to running on his own (run Forest!).

If you'd like to join us for a day or two just let us know my mobile # is 07771 892 007.  I'll let you know exactly where we are.  You don't need to run, just come and say hello, and I could sure use some company too!

Must go now, as busy, busy, have to go shopping for food for the trip....CHOCOLATE!...oh and some other stuff too....

Talk soon

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Twelve Days and Counting

Hi all.....well, just 12 days to go before the off!!  We will actually be leaving for Scotland on the 14th.  Driving up to Falkirk, staying over night and then on to Wick on the 15th.  A night in a campsite in Wick, drive up to John O' Groats and then Matt is on his way.

The route is on the blog for you all to follow.  I will be updating as and when, as we may have to have rest here or there!  It will be hard work following Matt with a big stick!  If you can think of anything else that you may need to know while we are on the run, please email either Matty on or me If I can get a signal, I'll get your email. Of course you can always ring Matt as he'll be waiting for your calls to come in and give him some encouragement.

If some of you do get to come and join us for a day or two, that would be great and much appreciated. Again, just contact us or look at the blog for details as to where we will be.

More updates soon